Training Course Program
Value Adding Management - 2-day course
the guiding philosophy to achieve higher levels of performance:
how to increase dramatically enterprises' performance by re-discovering the somehow "lost" concepts of Value and Value-Adding
course contents and main topics
Value Adding Management (VAM): the philosophy of the second Industrial Revolution and the guiding light for the years 2000 industry
Value: the basic concept we have lost through many years of industrialisation - what is today's concept of Value
The revolution start with a Vision: the "big-bang" (more »)
The Learning Organisation approach: understanding the change and instilling the culture of continual learning and change management in personnel at all levels (more »)
Do you know that your enterprise belongs to a Value Chain and this is the only and ultimate secret for its existence ? (more »)
Opportunities Management: systematic, creative search for opportunities, targeting at maximising value transmitted all along the value-chain (more »)
Supplier/Client relationships under the VAM angle of view: External Clients and Internal Clients (more »)
Orientation to Client as strategic key to performance improvement (more »)
Economical definitions of Value - components of Value - Value and Value Adding (more »)
Practical deployment of the VAM philosophy in industry: Value and Organisation (the excellent enterprise) - Value and Products/Services (Products/Services perceivable as valuable by the Market) - Value and Service (the concept of Total Product) - Value and Processes (Processes generating Value with no Waste) (more »)
Today's relationship between Value, Quality, Productivity and Performance
Systematic Elimination of Waste (SEW) is the operational arm of VAM: relationship between Value and Waste - what is Waste - how to identify Waste - how to reduce and eliminate Waste (more »)
Value Adding Management in "core" Processes and "support" Processes: Process Time/Cost analysis - How to identify non-Value-Adding activities and systematically eliminate them
Value and Quality: how to utilise the Quality discipline in a waste-less way, eliminating over-utilisation of resources and bureaucracy associated with QA methods, and targeting at Zero Defects (more »)
Value and Machinery: how to prevent major technological mistakes in Plant selection, and how to maximise Value generated by Machines and Equipment
Value and People: how to guarantee very high job satisfaction to personnel at all levels by channelling their total commitment to generate pure, abundant Added Value (more »)
Is World Class Performance a myth ? The second Industrial Revolution rotates around the concept of Value and buries once and forever all principles on which the first one was built
course duration
Duration: 16 hours
course objectives
......we have gone into the new millennium with organisational systems, principles and methods conceived over two centuries ago and perfected in the last century to perform well in the "previous" world, a "static", "predictable" world, the world before the change....
Those systems, principles and methods are no longer adequate to face the challenges imposed by the "new" world.
Enterprises aiming at high levels of performance need to structure a new culture rotating around a key concept, a concept somehow "lost" in over a century of industrialisation. This key concept is value.
Value Management and Value Adding Management are the pilot light for World-Class Performers, their guiding philosophy.
This course is designed:
- to enable participating delegates to understand what is the magic spark that makes the difference between high performance and mediocrity
- to illustrate the path to excellence, starting from the basic prerequisites and ending with the operational initiatives
- to show how a stagnating enterprise can be gradually re-vitalised through the deployment of healthy VAM principles
- to illustrate the overall VAM philosophy and approach to Quality, Productivity and Product Development areas
- to define the relationship between value and waste, and show how to maximise the former and minimise the latter
- to illustrate the modern approach to People management, showing how personnel performance and job satisfaction are strictly linked and dependant upon each other
This course is very interactive and supplemented with abundant practical exercises and case studies
target audience
Entrepreneurs, Senior and Middle Management Personnel from all Industrial and Commercial Enterprises
You are welcome to request further clarifications about this course - please be as specific as possible. Just contact Carlo Scodanibbio
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