Training Course Program
The essential toolbox for continuous Performance improvement in the SME - 3-day course
how management of SMEs can be the driver of "continuous improvement in enterprise's performance" programs
course contents and main topics
Do you know that a "static" enterprise's destiny is stagnation and failure?
Is your enterprise improving? Continuously and regularly? In a measurable fashion? In all aspects of its Performance?
Is the Management of your enterprise seriously committed to improvement? Is everybody, within your enterprise, aware of the strategic importance of improving on a daily basis? Is everybody active in this regard and effectively contributing to improvement?
Do you "know where you stand", to begin with? Are you measuring your present Performance level? In adequate detail? Do you have a clear, "at-a-glance" picture of the situation at any moment in time? If the answer is yes, then you may consider serious, real improvement. (more »)
Improvement starts by identifying the "gap" and setting the target. For this there are absolute methods and relative methods. Benchmarking: is it suited to your enterprise? Or should you rather choose a personalised method? (more »)
Before going wild into improvement initiatives, have you double-checked your "direction"? Is it the right one for your enterprise? How to rank Improvement Projects, and how to set priorities to ensure release of utmost improvement power at all times.
Improvement simply and always means : "improving the value generated by the core processes of an enterprise" - all the rest is "spurious", fictitious improvement. How to avoid the "perfect black & white TV set" mistake. How to conceive, initialise, launch and implement a valid Continuous Improvement program. How to identify, define and list problem and weak areas in your enterprise and how to transform them into Improvement Projects. How to transform threats and criticalities into opportunities. (more »)
Have you thought about the most appropriate "style" to attach to your improvement initiatives? Should you go kaizen or kairyo ?
A modern kaizen style is the most suited to SMEs, under many circumstances.
The essential ingredients of the kaizen style: team-work, brain-power, poor-man approach, tools, techniques, decision-making abilities, planning abilities, monitoring system. The step-by-step, continuous, systematic approach. (more »)
Workshop: effective team-work for improvement. People are the key to real improvement: how to transform team-work into a powerful improvement tool.
How traditional Problem Solving should be adapted and enriched with creative ammunitions to generate solid improvement. Which of the old and new Improvement Tools, originally applied to Quality improvement, can and should be adopted by the SME for Performance improvement (more »).
The Implementation Stage: a delicate step. How to plan Improvement Projects so that they won't fail. Project Management is the key, and modern Project Management should be a common practice in the SME to assure that all projects, including Improvement Projects, will be adequately planned, scheduled, estimated and budgeted, executed successfully, and thoroughly monitored and controlled. (more »)
How to prevent loosing improvement momentum, and how to keep everybody committed to improvement.
Even under a Continuous Improvement Program, is your enterprise performing adequately? Are there still weak or doubtful areas requiring attention? Every enterprise, including SMEs, need Change and Innovation on a regular basis to prevent potential stalemate situations. How to instil and keep alive the Change Culture, and how to tackle effectively the challenges of the years 2000 through the Learning Organisation approach (more »).
The impact of the Lean Thinking philosophy (more ») on Performance Management: Lean Kaizen, or defining the correct direction (lean) for all improvement initiatives.
course duration
Duration: 24 hours (typical)
course objectives
...aiming at excellence is valuable and beneficial per se. It is the most precious asset in the balance sheet of the world-class enterprise.......
This course is designed:
- to make participants aware of the vital importance of launching valid programs of continuous Performance Improvement utilising effectively the most precious resource of the enterprise: People.
- to show participants the real direction to be taken when aiming at improvement, by focusing onto core processes of the business, and avoiding marginal, spurious "functional" improvement.
- to demonstrate to participants that only by enhancing the added-value generated in core business processes and eliminating any form of waste inherent in those processes can and should the enterprise's overall Performance improve.
- to illustrate participants practical methods to rank and prioritise areas to be improved, in order to generate and maintain an adequate level of improvement momentum which could otherwise be lost.
- to provide basic and simple tools for initiating and generating the wanted improvements: basic, modern rules governing effective and efficient Team-Work will be illustrated, together with basic criteria for modern Problem Solving and Opportunities Generation in creative mode.
Besides, basic techniques and tools (Data Collection methods, Pareto analysis, Cause and Effect approaches, Total Problem Solvers, Decision Making criteria and methods...) for practical improvement of processes will be sufficiently illustrated.
- to provide basic and simple Improvement Projects implementation techniques, including the necessary Planning and Control methods.
- to illustrate to participants that improvement is best handled as a Project, and that as such it requires the adoption of basic, modern Project Management approaches as the most adequate to produce Performance enhancement.
- and to show that only with a valid Project Management approach can Innovation (of any nature and entity) and positive Change, so vital in today's environment, be effectively introduced and governed.
This course is very interactive and supplemented with abundant practical exercises and case studies
This course should ideally be attached to "The essential toolbox for Performance measurement and monitoring in the SMEs ".
For details, click here.
target audience
Senior and Middle Management Personnel from all Industrial and Commercial Enterprises.
The very small enterprise (up to 20 employees) will particularly benefit from participating in this course.
You are welcome to request further clarifications about this course - please be as specific as possible. Just contact Carlo Scodanibbio
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